top 65 best university in germany

With an amazing reputation for scientific discoveries and technology, Germany is a home to some of the highest ranked and best universities and colleges in the world. University of Bonn and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology are recognised all over the world for being among the best law schools, medical schools, business schools, and engineering schools to attend. Several German schools are among the best schools and colleges worldwide, and offer competitive Master’s, Bachelor’s, and Ph.D degrees, giving you access to some of the best international universities in the world.

Best Universities and Colleges in Germany

Best Universities in Germany according to International Rankings

Universities Times Higher Education Ranking (2021)Shanghai Jiao Tong University Ranking (2020)Top Universities Ranking (2021)U.S. News & World Report Ranking (2021)
Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich32516346
Heidelberg University42576454
Technical University of Munich41545076
Humboldt University Berlin80-11782
Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich32216346
Technical University of Munich41545076
Heidelberg University42576454
University of Bonn11487240114
Goethe University Frankfurt251101311222
University of Göttingen130101195158
University of Freiburg83101175168
University of Münster195151356236
University of Cologne154151282282
University of Tübingen74151175180
Leipzig University-201483342
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz301201403214
University of Kiel251201501274
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)201201131197
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)198201317238
TU Dresden151201173186
University of Würzburg140201437186
University of Hamburg135201228155
RWTH Aachen University107201145184
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf-301751383
University of Stuttgart
University of Duisburg-Essen201301751285
Ulm University140301344316
TU Berlin140301148338
Hannover Medical School-401-427
Philip University in Marburg301401651499
Darmstadt University of Technology301401267543
University of Potsdam251401801490
Ruhr University Bochum251401439372
Friedrich Schiller University Jena251401323395
Martin Luther Universität Halle Wittenberg-501470604
Saarland University-501451756
University of Regensburg-501601486
University of Rostock-501701706
University of Bremen401501541520
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg-601-791
Braunschweig University of Technology601601551729
Leibniz University Hannover501601651547
University of Konstanz251601443511
University of Kassel-701-908
University of Lübeck-701-660
Justus Liebig University Giessen401701531413
University of Bayreuth351701521694
University of Hohenheim201701651623
Bielefeld University158701801483
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg-801-814
University of Wuppertal601801-467
TU Dortmund University401801801475
Leuphana University of Lüneburg-901-741
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin75---
Humboldt University Berlin80-11782
Freie Universität Berlin118-130111
University of Mannheim140-307706
Jacobs University Bremen251--1113
Greifswald University301--898
University of Passau301---
Hamburg University of Technology601--1044
Technical University of Kaiserslautern601--978
University of Siegen601--684
Ilmenau University of Technology801---

University Rankings Explained

World University Rankings created by Times Higher Education takes into account the reputation of research done by universities and how often papers produced by universities were quoted around the world.

Academic Ranking of World Universities created by Shanghai Jiao Tong University focuses on the number of award-winning scientists, most cited researchers from the listed universities, and their contribution to the scientific community.

QS World University Rankings created by TopUniversities surveys a large number of academic experts about the reputation of universities and also measures the quality of teaching.

Best Global Universities Rankings created by U.S. News & World Report analyses university graduation rates and how many students remain enrolled in their second year of studies. It also surveys university representatives on the performance of universities.

Study in Germany

Study in Germany, at universities and colleges famous for excellent education, not only in Engineering. You can study in Germany in English, in some of the best universities in the world. Students coming to study abroad in Germany are attracted by the generous scholarships and the strong international focus of business schools, medical schools and engineering schools in the country.

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